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League Plans - Summer/Fall 2020

We have put out multiple feelers in order to understand what our AVLL families are thinking in regards to the resumption of play. The main thing we have learned is it will be difficult to meet everyone's expectation but ultimately we do need to plan and execute continuance of play in 2020.

Through much collaboration and understanding of Little League International recommendations along with State and Local Government guidelines we will be scheduling the season to resume August 15th - November 21st.

In the meantime we will be working with our local Town Parks on Field Usage Agreements, Planning Additional Signups and Communicating with each of you on your current team status and what it will look like when we continue play.

To answer a few questions that I'm positive will come up.... 1. Practices will be scheduled as soon as restrictions allow and FUAs can be secured with the Town. 2. Spring 2020 Age charts will be used for this period despite it running through our Fall program. 3. Where possible teams will remain the same. We may need to move some players around to support all kids that wish to play but Teams will not be broken up. 4. Players that wish to double Roster (example league age 12's in 2020 that wish to finish in the Major division but also want to get some experience of play in 50/70) can do so. I encourage it. This may mean some of our 12's in Intermediate may come down to help backfill the Major Division as well. These will be hat picks. 5. Your 2020 Spring Registration already paid will cover this period of play. 6. Refunds/Credits will be handled on a case by case basis for those choosing not to participate in this 2020 Hybrid Season. Email for refunds/credits. 7. NO we can not predict what social distancing guidelines will be come August. Therefore please be transparent with your teams that AVLL will abide by State and Local Government mandates and those who continue to participate in the resumption of play must adhere to them as well. 8. Each League in D49 may have some sort of continuance of play structure like ours and we will welcome Interleague play to support those programs. 9. We will use the same uniforms as ordered in Spring 2020. For new signups their registration fee would cover additional orders.

We will get back out on the fields soon. We wanted to share this information so families can decide in absolute if they will be coming back and be able to plan their personal lives outside of Baseball/Softball.

UNLESS there is further Little League International, District 49, Federal, State, County or Town guidance to cancel 2020 sports programs this is our plan to continue. We are ready to resume.

Please again reach out to your teams/families with this update. Feel free to copy and text out this communication out to other AVLL parents/players.

We hope to see you soon. Stay Safe and Healthy out there, Thank you all!

Sincerely, AVLL BOD

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